Rules List
Once you have created rules for your advertising destinations, you can click ‘Rules List’ underneath My Rules to see a full list of the Custom Rules you have configured.
In the list you will see the Rule Name, Pause Period, Criteria, Export Destination (or destinations it applies to), Status and Edit button should you wish to adjust the Custom Rule in any way.
Delete Custom Rules
If you have a Custom Rule that you no longer require, you can click Edit on the rule from either the Export Destinations or Rules List pages to enter that rule. From there if you scroll to the bottom you will see a
Delete Rule button that when clicked will initiate a confirmation window where you can delete the rule.
The Export Destinations page under the SmartPublisher PRO menu is where you can view and control the vehicles that are going to your chosen advertising destinations. This page shows not only all the used vehicles eligible for advertising, but also all relevant information and statuses for said vehicles.
When you first click into Export Destinations from the SmartPublisher menu, at the top you will see the Subscribed Export Destinations with the logos and names of the advertising destinations that you are exporting vehicles to. To the right of each destination, you will also see the Export Status of each of these destinations. If you click on one of your Subscribed Export Destinations, you will be able to see the Client Number, Dealership Name, Feed ID (supplied by destination), the quantity of Vehicles Exported and the Export Status as well.
Underneath the Subscribed Export Destinations, you will see the Inventory Grid that allows you to manage your exports. First you will see a drop-down to choose a dealership (if you part of a group – you can select multiple if you wish), Category options to only display New, Used or Demo vehicles, a Subscribed Export Destinations drop-down where you can filter to only show the one destination, and a Search bar to search for a particular vehicle quickly.
In the grid itself you will see the Vehicle Type, an Image of the vehicle with the total images for that vehicle as a number in the top-right hand of the image, Stock No. & Rego, Vehicle Description, Odometer, Advertised Price, Days in Inventory, Days Online, Comments, Status, Un-Pause Date, History and Action. If you click on the Edit Button, it brings up a window that shows you the rule name and the reason why the vehicle has been paused.
If you select one of your advertising destinations from the Subscribed Export Destinations drop-down, the grid will update by adding a new column Allow Export which if checked means the vehicle is allowed to export to that destination. You can click the checkbox should you wish to remove a vehicle from this destination. You will also see that next to any Paused vehicle, the List button is shown which if clicked will populate a Confirmation window with the Stock Number, Rego and Vehicle Description and give you the option to Cancel or to List Vehicle. Once Listed, the vehicle will show in the Inventory Grid as Listed By User.
There are five Statuses that a vehicle that will show against your inventory, based on how the Rules Engine has been configured.
- Pending – The Minimum Export Criteria rules have not been met for this vehicle and the vehicle has been paused from advertising. Once the minimum criteria rules are satisfied, the vehicle will be re-evaluated by the rules engine and will either be paused or listed on applicable advertising destinations
- Paused - The vehicle has met the criteria for pausing by a SmartPublisher PRO rule and has been paused from all applicable advertising destinations. This vehicle will be automatically listed once the pause period has elapsed or can be manually listed by the user
- Listed by System - The vehicle was paused by a SmartPublisher PRO rule, but the pause period has elapsed and the vehicle was automatically listed on all applicable advertising destinations
- Listed by User - The vehicle was paused by a SmartPublisher PRO rule, but a user has chosen to override the pause period and manually list this vehicle on all applicable advertising destinations
- Listed - The vehicle has not met the criteria of any SmartPublisher PRO rules and was not paused. The vehicle is available to be listed on any applicable advertising destinations
- Removed – The vehicle was removed from 1 or more Subscribed Export Destinations as it had reached the Lead limit that you had set in the Rules Engine
Edit Window
When you click Edit in the Action column, it will bring up the Edit Window where you can allow, exclude or override a paused vehicle from your export destinations.
First you will see an Image of the vehicle with the number of images in the top-right hand corner. You can click this image to bring up all the images for that vehicle. Next to the image you will see the Condition and Descriptions of the vehicle, the Stock Number, Image count, Advertised Price and the Dealership name the vehicle is listed under.
Underneath this section you will see the Subscribed Export Destinations available for that vehicle with the Last Export details, Status and an Allow Export check box should you wish to export the vehicle to every advertising destination available (this will be ticked by default if the vehicle is being exported to all destinations). If you wish to exclude a vehicle from advertising on a particular destination, you need to untick the Allow Export checkbox and it will be removed from availability to be sent to that destination. Please be aware that the Allow Export checkbox function is not a part of the SmartPublisher PRO functionality, however if unchecked it will remove the vehicles availability to be Listed to the destination it is unticked on.
If a vehicle has a Paused status, you will be able to click on the destination to view the Un-Pause Date and time, the Match Criteria that has caused the vehicle to be Paused, and a List button. After clicking the List button, a Confirmation window will populate with the Stock Number, Rego and Vehicle Description and give you the option to Cancel or to List Vehicle. Once Listed, the vehicle will show in the Inventory Grid as Listed By User.
History Log
If you click on History from the Inventory List, a window will appear showing the History Log of the vehicle. You will see the full vehicle description above the full history for that vehicle within SmartPublisher PRO including:
- Date and Time of Entry
- Pending Status and Attributing Reason
- Paused Status and Attributing Rules
- Listed Status and Attributing Reason
- Number of Historic Actions for the vehicle
SmartPublisher PRO also has a live reporting page accessible by clicking on Performance in the SmartPublisher PRO menu.
The first thing you will see under the heading is the Date Range. Here you can adjust the timeframe for the reporting shown on the page, anywhere from the time you initiated SmartPublisher PRO to the current day.
Underneath the date range you will see the following value boxes:
- Total Processed – This is the total number of vehicles that have come through SmartPublisher PRO within the date range selected
- Total Paused – Total number of vehicles paused within the date range and the average price of that total number
- Sold While Paused – This is the number of vehicles sold whilst in a paused status within the date range, as well as the average price of that total and average days to sell value
- Sold After Paused – The total number of vehicles sold after they have finished their pause status and were subsequently listed. Also shown is the average price and average days to sell values
- Still Active After Paused – These are the vehicles that are still listed on the advertising destinations after being paused and subsequently listed within the date range. The average price is also shown
- Total Sold Non-Paused – These are the vehicles that did not meet the pause rules and were subsequently listed and sold within the date range.
Underneath the value boxes is a Paused Vehicle Performance chart that shows you the volume of vehicles Sold While Paused for the date range you select. You can also download a detailed report by clicking the Download as CSV button in the top-right hand corner of the page.
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