The Home Dashboard brings together an overview for customers who have all LeadDriver Modules. It serves as a centralised hub, featuring common Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and a diverse range of charts and graphs related to functionalities.
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Leads by State
The Leads by State chart shows the status of leads for the selected period. Users can click on a section of the pie chart to see more information about the leads in that state via a hover tooltip.
Leads are grouped by New, Open, Delivered, Sold and Lost.
Leads by Source
A graph visually representing the breakdown of Leads based on their 'Sources' and grouped into five common categories is presented in the form of a 'Pie' chart. Users can interact with the graph by clicking anywhere on the pie, revealing a hover tooltip with additional information on the specific 'Source' category in question.
Leads are grouped by Car Sales, Internet, Phone, Walk-In and Other.
You are also able to update the graph to see a specific source.
All Enquiries by State
A graphical representation displaying all Enquiries categorised by their respective 'State(s)' for the selected period is presented in the form of a bar chart. Users have the ability to interact by clicking on any bar within the graph, triggering a hover tooltip that provides additional information on the specific 'State' statistics.
Enquiries are grouped by New, Allocated, Left Message, Sent Email or SMS, Customer Undecided, Appointment Made, Completed and Lost.
You are also able to select the 'Go To Enquiries' button which will take you to the Enquiry page.
Lead Conversion
This chart remains static, meaning it updates as the year progresses and is not influenced by parameters. Users can interact by clicking anywhere on the graph to reveal a hover tooltip, providing additional information on the conversion for the specific month. This design ensures a consistent view of data throughout the year.
Consistent displays are Count of Leads for the month vs Count of Leads with a date sold.
Test Drive
This graph illustrates Test Drive statistics in comparison to Lead statistics at any given time. Users have the option to interact by clicking anywhere on the graph, triggering a hover tooltip that provides additional information on the specific statistics.
Statistics shown releate to:
1. The number and percent of Test Drive Activities or Tasks compared to the number of Leads (and their percentage) for the period chosen.
2. The number and percent of Test Drive 'Appointment' tasks compared to the number of, and percentage of all leads without a Test Drive appointment task.
You are also able to select the 'Go To Test Drives' button which will take you to the Test Drives page.
This graph represents a Valuations Funnel for Leads in accordance with the metrics overview. Users can engage with the graph by clicking on a section of the Funnel, prompting a hover tooltip that offers more detailed information on a specific tool.
Valuations are grouped by:
1. The number of 'Valuation' activities or tasks for the period chosen
2. The number of 'Valuation' appointment tasks
3. The number of Valuations Won for the period chosen
You are also able to select the 'Go To Valuations ' button which will take you to the Valuations page.
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